
Showing posts from February, 2020


My thoughts are spinning around Will I breath someday? My hands filled with sorrow Won't ever touch the heat of love The silence seems so distant And my heart echoes in despair Sinking and quievering in fear My body freezes to the point that I can't move I will forever be on a rush, restless, leaping on my dreams Trying to find the answers, they all seem abstract to me My mind won't ever sparkle the true colours of life My blood pressure is getting to its limits Will I collapse, will I ever wake up from this never ending dream? Those are the tears that my heart won't ever wash away My sorrows, memories and gentle words, it will never be forgotten As a last farewell, it won't be thrown to the deep sea of my quivering mind

Neverland Gerbera

The taste of you is sore, bittersweet That I can barely say wheter I like it or not Please, let me have a taste of your flavour I will forever remember you, I promise To never forget you, you take me to neverland Together we dance in harmony, deeply embraced Like a blossoming gerbera bathed in sunlight The heat incresses and we are driven by a tight love I can barely say if this is all a dream or if I'm lucky To be by your side, in harmony, as a sensible wind Sorrounded by a loud love melody, I can feel you Sunflowers are singing gently our destiny I will never lose you, I will forever remember you In my heart, the memories we share won't be erased I've saved them in a place where they won't never tear apart And it's with this truth that we'll forever move forward together Singing in harmony, the most beautiful and quiet melody


Your distant melody in my heart Is Resounding the most beautiful music sheet I will fly away from my struggling And find the answers in my lost dreams I will dance, I will punish myself Gently, desperately, I will escape From the sight of this reality Let just drown myself in a blossoming sweet lie Ah, the moonlight is reflecting the crimson of my tears That's the way, my way of singing my dead melody Black and white, my heart is eradicated from you I will challenge the logics of blood, crimson waterfall The wounds will never heal My hands are filled with sorrow And my days are decaying into insanity I'm getting tired of always moving forward God, if you could listen to my echoing heart, it's unbearable I'd just pray for happiness, a brief moment of silence

A hopeless, very hopeless voice

Living without expectations Watching time passing by Losing for the impulses I'm wasting grass, I don't care Trying to make some verses I'm only a waste of space Feeling enraged, I just want to spank Someone's figure until they realize How meaningless it is to be alive Enduring day by day the bitterness I will never be able to understand myself Hatred, I'm in hatred There's not even a reason for me To try understand my hopelessness There must have been an error This words even might have been inputted in me As a secret weapon to blow me up To the next night, I'm lacking sleep  That thought has been dancing in my eyes Wanted, I'm wanted, intended to be drown And travel to another reality, another world This is just a stupid reflection, just a waste of time I'm at a big loss here, no one to help me  Understanding the hell is going on Damn, Damn, I think I'll just blow the guts out of me Not even this letter came from an inner reflection...


We were born As a broken piece Apart from the world Meant to die as one We leap From memory to memory  Until we lose ourselves In the infinitude  Of our concious Eyes blind  To the great heart and soul of ours And the gratitude of our origins Of the warm union to everything But we rise apart from our tears  Of joy and nature --------------------------------------------------------- Tradução: Nós Nascemos Como um fragmento quebrado Separado do Mundo Para morrer como um Nós saltamos De memória em memória Até que nos percamos de nós mesmos No infinito Do nosso consciente  Olhos cegos Á grandeza de nossos corações e alma E á gratidão de nossas origens Da quente união ao todo Mas nós ascendemos renegando as nossas lágrimas De alegria e natureza

O Desvelar da Noite

Eu Acredito  O Deus das Moscas  Já permeia em nossas mentes Sob a lua cheia O apocalipse é pronunciado E aqueles que da fonte da vida beberam Serão amaldiçoados com a verdade E com as 11 cores do inferno Cosmos e Caos, Entendimento Vital Aquele que desafiar a segunda  Será lançado ao temido dragão  Que devorará a sua alma E aquele que se unir á primeira Será ofertado com os segredos Que os nossos olhos  Jamais desvelaram O seu corpo continua a aprofundar-se Nas nossas preciosas carnes Somos apenas estrelas  Que tiveram o prémio  De nesta dimensão e tempo  Desabrochar e Resplandecer

My Electric Mind

Overflowing, my mind is fleeting I can't be stopped, reflecting Thinking at the speed of light I check in all over the thoughts I've already lost in my electric mind Like the million stars lost in the sky Everything comes without an order or meaning But even if I try to find peace There's always a guilty feeling. Pressuring my heart, I can't live Nor do I function like everyone else Might never going to rest. My mind is flowing In an endless loop It's so noisy inside here I know it's chaotic To live this way But I have to move Away from this nightmare Is this the wreath of God? Even so, even if I try to calm myself I will never find the other piece That is missing inside of me The darkness always comes As a tornado of grief and fire My disorder will never disappear Is there a cure, is there alternative If not, this pain I carry on my shoulders Will become grief in the hearts of some

Amigo Secreto

Nesta explosão de clones E personalidades em massa Encontrei alguém fantástico Com a tua mente sábia Refutas o falso e irrealista No meio de egos em decadência Jamais te deixarás iludir pelo degradante Gostava de ser melhor Porém, infelizmente, sou apenas mais um Mais um clone no meio da multidão E esse é o meu pecado, sou tão cego Entretanto, peço para que jamais vás abaixo Segue sempre de cabeça erguida, meu caro amigo Sinto que ainda tens bastante por aprender No entanto, irás ultrapassar qualquer obstáculo Porque tu tens determinação e força de vontade Jamais te repitas, busca sempre fazer a diferença E muito menos te acomodes na tua zona de conforto Jamais esqueças as tuas origens E te tornes alguém ganancioso A gentileza é a maior das virtudes E com estas palavras ditas Espero ter tocado o teu coração

I Have Found The Lost Piece

Encontrei-me nos teus olhos E perdi-me nas mais belas cores Que as tuas palavras vibravam Eu encontrei o que me faltava Eu encontrei a peça perdida O meu coração vibra Vibra uma melodia barulhenta Mas desta vez de felicidade Mesmo que estes sentimentos Não possam resplandecer Quero ao menos estimar-te À distância dentro do meu coração Para sempre sorrirei para ti Mesmo que esteja inseguro Espero, silenciosamente, continuar ao teu lado Porque em ti encontrei a peça Que jamais se havia encontrado em mim És como prata na minha alma Me purificaste e fizeste-me ver Esperança no meio da minha tempestade Espero eu acalmar um dia as tuas dores E a solidão que a tanto escondes  Porque com estas palavras  Sacrificarei-me pela tua felicidade E rezo para que sejas banhada Com a mais bela das melodias