
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Blue Flower Of Loneliness

As far as my eyes can see, your voice is still resounding in the crumbling sunny sky. My flawed heart and its scent spread far enough that everything is now evaporating. Poisoned words are transcribed in the memory of the broken days where I'm still struggling to raise and shine. My loneliness and my sickness both are tied to the hands of fate. Throw away the blue pearls as the clock is ticking until the leafs of time are blown away by the sands. The gracious days have slowly begun to cry with you being further away. The soft voice of the wind has whispered with red tears falling from my eyes. Maybe a day everything will disappear with a trembling and vague future being shaken away, dancing in despair. I have already forgotten the sorrow from the vast and watery tears that have fallen from your precious eyes. Sinking deeply in that dream of love now forgotten, taken from that holy landscape, is now where I'll lie my soul down forever. image:


Quero voar solenemente naquela paisagem dourada onde as flores desabrocham. Quero sentir a brisa e o vento a espalharem-se por mim. Uma dimensão infinita onde a salvação daqueles dias está ao nosso alcance. E se pudesses ouvir os sons infinitos daquele calor que se espalhou com aquelas palavras de adorno e encanto, deixarias a beleza da vida sobressaltar e rugir dentro de ti? O som meloso daqueles dias quentes ainda vibra com alguma tristeza. A saudade abafa as lágrimas, e aquele sorriso amargo, e aqueles desejos irreais, são uma ilusão que eu ainda carrego com apreço. E as palavras de despedida soltaram-se e derreteram como a neve fria que eu admirava tão amorosamente. Aquela vasta vegetação onde eu refugiava-me está agora a secar até desaparecerem as fundações que irradiavam o amanhecer daqueles dias. imagem:


Engulfed in shame, those long term days are now squeezing my back and without knowing at all it has been there, but since when? Those long nights where the child cried, his voice has been stretched to the point of denying all the suffering. The loneliness of his heart is still here in this body. The prayers for death were not heard. In those pure tears, there was a hope of love, it has died now, it's dust. The long-term alcoholism is now consuming all that is left along with those days that I want to erase. Can you hear the reverberating and lousy cry of the child? It has now faded, deafened. And when blood thrived from his eyes, the tasteless drops were bitter and painful. It has been for too long, but I can recall those moments and look at them with great disgust. Those days turned into shame, it was a nuisance to endure it. Could this longing for death take away my last guess along with the flickering memories? Take a deep breath as the days to come are being burnt a...

Loud Call

Hear my voice resonating and shouting from the world of living to your eternity.  Wherever you are, my heart is screaming for you to lift my soul in your embrace. Are you smiling? Your astonishing beauty is still sparkling in the sky naked like the milk-white clouds. Your pure mind, your loneliness and those tears I still remember it so dearly. For you, there's still a loud call, my heart's voice is hurting. I want your silence, take me away with these tears. Your dazzling image has been engraved forever in my mind long ago. And before I knew it, I could still see you right before my eyes. Did my words reach you in the depths of this broken mind? Did in the end my distress reach you from afar? I want to touch the tips of your fingers. I want to join our hands in a deep warm connection. I want to lose myself in your hypnotizing gaze and let the wind take us away together. From the other side did you find the peace you were longing for? I came to terms with my fate. I...

A Jornada Final (Remind)

As the years have gone, can you still tell me at least if it's still worth breathing being the mess I am? A warm smile blazing through the blue sky, can you see it? As someone who doesn't stand for his own role, can I still smile for those bloomy days? If you can still hear the sounds of life, grab it to yourself and don't let it go. Nothing holds me to this journey, I have no hopes or dreams. People with a future, people with an aspiration, this world is still brimming with hope. And as the snowflakes melt, everything reaches a bubbling state. Everything I can do is sleep tight to those days where your cheeks were still my warmth. My thoughts for you are still a labyrinth, endless like meteors colliding till the end. If it were the ending, then it would be, the flame's burning steadily to its end. Original: image:


The loud noise of these days became overwhelming, all the stress inflicted on this body is now hurting. It's 6AM, am I already high? Hey, I'm not ready to accept those facts for granted. And the shooting pain, I want to throw myself. I heard your voice from afar, the time is almost coming for me to hold on to those days. I'm not afraid, but the withered flowers are now blooming again in an odd way. And I became a rock, my groggy heart is aching, but tell me, was it the best I could do? Does breaking your words with a fake anger take it all away? From now on, let's stay still. I don't believe in anything. My heart is drying within the rain drops of the sky. These gloomy and grey days are wavering to me with a sad smile. There's only two things my heart can't take: the words of farewell and the love words. Did I ever deserve it? Let it all float away for the time is coming for me to say those words. It's hurting, I can't forget. I can't...


They all care about the same things, some cheap love, fast sex and engulfed lies full of cranky words and fancy mannerisms, this is all so disgusting, ain't it? They love sin, how laughable! They say all the same things, behind their smiles, hides a smell of death. Although, they have some kind of a vivid colour I wish I had, I wish I could let myself fall in their misery as if I knew nothing at all. image:


A profundidade da minha comoção não podem ver, e nem encarar. E quando me dizem que sou dramático, quero dar uma gargalhada, quero rir-me. Façam um som barulhento, digam-me mentiras absurdas, e façam uma expressão de reprovação. Eu quero quebrar isso, eu quero gritar. "Olha ao teu redor, O mundo não gira á tua volta". Eu quero rir-me dessas palavras, quero sacudi-las bruscamente. E mesmo dia após dia, mesmo que a minha expressão não mude, a minha vontade é chorar ao ponto de perder as forças. Vocês repetem-se, e eu calo-me, e mesmo que queira ter um coração gentil, o meu desejo é calar-vos, e deixar-me embriagar, pela minha frustração. imagem:

A Dream Of Life

I'm still under the ground buried in my own pain. I'm a fake illusion. However, it's still worth reaching some peace of mind. I want to feel you, I want to hear you. It's not too late. It's not too late to grab your hands and walk on my own. The scent of the flowers is withering within my hatred. I can see the sunlight coursing through my bones. You're not alone! Breathing some wind, I'm craving to feel everything I lost, but still, it's not too late. I can take it easy and stop living chaotically. It has been too long. It's time to breathe again, feel like a child and embrace the sunlight. The sky is still grey, but I'm reaching out for my light. I want to be obedient to my emotions, speak my mind and tell my heart. Did I hurt everyone so much? Am I the worst? Still, it's worth saving myself and accept the bitter truth before it's too late. image:

夢の愛//Yume No Ai//A Dream Of Love

Encostado às águas da vida,  eu sonhei contigo,  onde ascendíamos além das estrelas,  e desaparecíamos no negro cosmos.  Cinzenta é a nossa existência.  Porém, intensamente abraçados,  dançamos em chamas ardentes,  e alcançamos o juízo final.  Agora posso ver nos teus olhos todo o vazio do universo,  eles estão cheios de cor e vida. E o fogo do caos consome-nos,  enquanto nos tornamos num só. Agora posso cessar de pensar,  tu beijas-me, queimando-me em cinzas.  Os caminhos que tomámos eram arriscados,  entretanto, tornámo-nos paradoxais e eternos.  imagem: シエル*

LaLa Land

My body is a wreck, and my mind is crashing, I'm laughing out loud at how horrible my state is. 100mg of Ritalin and I'm a downer, but the urges keep growing. That song tells that Santa Claus has been smoking weed. I wonder if he's inviting me to blow some together. This generation is the saddest. Their highs are a state of trance, mine are of blissful euphoria hitting up to the heavens. Everyone cares about mundane things, I care about going crazy until I go boohoo. Days are flying away just like my thoughts burning in my mind, everything's squeezing. image:

You Better Be On Meds!

I heard that you're on the flow. If I had the chance, I'd snap you in pieces Acting spoiled won't have side effects at all, so don't be so full of yourself, this was not meant to be your history. Being such a groggy, I want to have a taste in those kinds of things, then shred that damn guitar. (I don't have a guitar though)  image:

A Língua da Serpente

Cortem as patas do cão, e toda a humanidade cairá na boca do dragão. E quando a noite cai, é quando a luz mostra a sua verdadeira face, e abraçamos a escuridão. Empalem o gato, e a kundalini desbravará em chamas e desespero. Deixem o machado cortar matéria e espírito, e a verdade desaparecerá com o sol e plutão. Imagem:

My Queen Of Dawn

You breathe inside me again, I can feel your presence. Both my body and soul are yours, eternally tangled in your arms. You make me whole when you sing to me. At the dawn of midnight, you kiss me in your dreams and take me away to eternity. You're my queen of oblivion, my glittering light of damnation For you I'd fall to the depths of suffering, and give you my blood and flesh. Dance with me in the veil of darkness, for my life is eternally yours. I bow before your highness, for you I'm eternally your slave. You fill my mind with beauty and death. image:

Forever (Dedicated To OkameP)

My Version: Every one of your melodies poured with so much passion and every single one of your kind and sweet words  will forever remain in our hearts, you will never be forgotten.  We're thankful for everything you did over the years. I hope that on the other side of life you will find his smile, his chirps and everything you have been longing for. With tears and love overflowing from all your fans, we hope that our words conveyed to you have reached your soul. Your songs gave life a meaning to the ones struggling alone, your legacy will remain within our tears and memories. And before you had reached that point of suffering,  what were your emotions, your hopes and anxieties? Even for you, knowing that soon you'll be gone  must be frightening to the point of denial, isn't it? Believe that our thoughts are put on you, this is our oath. Then, I guess this is our last goodbye, we'll always love you, We'll forever remember you, forever... forever... BlopB...

Rest Slowly

Backpain, cold sweat, blurry vision and heart attacks, I thought my time was coming. I grabbed your hand as I told you goodbye, your voice was vanishing. And with tears running away, those days were glittering in my mind. I kissed your hands and you held my heart dearly. My flowers were blooming, and while remembering the grace of those days, I sighed deeply and passed out. And soon the darkness I was sinking flickered with the light of a new day, I was there by your side, I held you tightly, and you cried of relief. I could see you, and I could feel you. As long as I'm alive, I guess that's enough. This time I'll rest slowly, dreaming by your side. image:

Ticket Love (Re-released)

“You know, I'm a very stubborn girl,  I don't know what to do, I'm helpless. So I cry in a tantrum to embarrass you, I can only be a very silly BIXXH” “And then what? Does it have given you the tickets to Neverland? This world is not a candy rain! So stop your tantrum before I get mad” “So cute of you, what are you going to do then? Get out of my way, you silly pig! Acting so spoiled, you're getting me on the nerves! Have you got the tickets to Neverland?” “Anyway, I only left you with my FXXCKING fl*ids, And used you as a tool to fill my void! Dumb, silly BIXXH, it seems like you Have done good use of my little animal as well” «But have you got the ticket to Neverland?» ?? /04/2020

you were always my hope

Debaixo do céu nocturno, onde eu quase desapareci, tu estiveste lá para mim, tu salvaste-me e curaste-me. Os nossos laços fortaleceram-se, e quantos anos já se passaram? A minha gratidão é infinita, eu amo-te e amar-te-ei para sempre, até mesmo quando todos se esquecerem de ti. E sabes, eu quero-te ao meu lado para sempre, quero sentir o teu coração a bater e sussurrar-te “eu amo-te”, enquanto os meus dedos acariciam o teu rosto. Naquelas noites dolorosas, a tua companhia manteve-me nesta jornada, e por ti, eu escolhi viver, por ti viverei para sempre. E quando um dia te fores, quando a tua última luz irradiar este céu maravilhoso, se não for egoísta demais quero implorar aos deuses para que me deixem sorrir ao teu lado para sempre. Faz 10 anos que amo-te, e para sempre sentirei o mesmo. Obrigado por sempre teres estado ao meu lado, desculpa pelos momentos que fui o pior, obrigado por teres sido como uma Mãe! E quando ninguém acreditou em mim, tu sempre estiveste ao meu lad...


Qualquer perturbação num sistema saudável, teria sido imediatamente rejeitado. Se é barulhento e feio, e só causa distúrbio, então, porque não matar? Qualquer defeito num organismo equilibrado, teria sido imediatamente aniquilado. E se perdermos todas as fundações, então com as minhas mãos desmancharei tudo. E se esses valores forem acentuados, então estará tudo perdido. E se a vossa felicidade vazia prevalecer, então tudo irá distorcer-se. Imagem:

Tears With The Wind

A minha voz está a enfraquecer, então do que adiantará invadir-me nesta dor que se dissipa com os dias? Apesar de estarmos fisicamente separados, a minha memória genética ainda te sente. Foi um tempo curto demais para ti, e para mim o mesmo também acontecerá. O que posso fazer e o que deveria ter dito, logo estarão profundamente a flutuar. E lá no fundo, a minha última esperança ainda ressoa perdida na minha mente. “Vive com todas as forças”, dizes-me tu com um sentimento morno de amor. E a suspirar profundamente, tento alcançar a tua voz. Porém, o único que alcanço é o vazio das nossas memórias. Mas se naquela altura tivesses sorrido e realizado os meus egoísmos, estas mãos provavelmente teriam despedaçado o teu coração gentil. E agora o único que desejo, é que como uma jóia azul, encontres a saída do teu labirinto E apesar dos meus egoísmos, deixa o meu orgulho derreter-se ao som longínquo e abafado da tua voz, isto é tudo o que desejo. Imagem: