Loud Call

Hear my voice
resonating and shouting
from the world of living
to your eternity. 

Wherever you are,
my heart is screaming
for you to lift my soul
in your embrace.

Are you smiling?
Your astonishing beauty
is still sparkling in the sky
naked like the milk-white clouds.

Your pure mind,
your loneliness
and those tears
I still remember it so dearly.

For you, there's still a loud call,
my heart's voice is hurting.
I want your silence,
take me away with these tears.

Your dazzling image
has been engraved
forever in my mind
long ago.

And before I knew it,
I could still see you
right before my eyes.

Did my words reach you
in the depths of this broken mind?
Did in the end my distress
reach you from afar?

I want to touch
the tips of your fingers.
I want to join our hands
in a deep warm connection.

I want to lose myself
in your hypnotizing gaze
and let the wind
take us away together.

From the other side
did you find the peace
you were longing for?

I came to terms
with my fate.
I'm looking for the day
I can see you again.

image: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/76202711

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