
I'll step forward and open my mind,
but it's hard when you hate yourself
because a heart that is broken and sick
won't easily see past and through the pain.

Pushing yourself is hard and painful,
looking inside yourself takes courage
and every fucking day seems an eternity
to just find some peace of mind and soul.

And living with yourself is a challenge,
but only by accepting and allowing your heart
to speak will you truly see past the negativity.

We have to face ourselves and our demons.
I know it's painful and being wrong hurts,
but you have to let the pain out and bleed
without being ashamed of your own feelings,
showing your vulnerabilities is not a weakness.

If you obscure who you really are and live in denial,
then you'll only hurt everyone with your lies,
recognizing your mistakes is the first great step
to really love yourself and move on with life.

And let me tell you, I'm going through a lot now,
but at least I'm trying to put myself together
and not let myself crumble in my own insecurities.

You have to stop pretending it doesn't hurt,
let yourself be loved and cherished.
I know how trauma always holds you back,
and it's fucking terrifying to believe
how messed up it all was when they abused you.

And I have hurt myself enough
to run away from my shame and guilt,
but you have to know you're not alone,
and it's not wrong to let others judge you,
only then will you grow and know yourself better.

Your worth will only grow the more you live, 
you have to let others reach and save you
and gather everything everyone has taught. 

Be patient, healing takes time and awareness,
know your limits and never be afraid
to tell your darkest thoughts and feelings
because you're more than worth it,
and it's not wrong to feel suicidal.

Because life is a constant challenge
where we have to learn to gather courage
to open ourselves to others
and let go of our fears
so we can hold ourselves
to something and never give up
from searching for ourselves.

It's never too late to dream again
and find light in the darkness
that has been haunting you.
You have to let go of the past
and face the fucking truth,
you don't have to go through it all
and suffer alone and put up a front.

img: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87727821

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